Quantifying Climate-related Financial Impacts in the Oil and Gas Sector

Published: 29 Feb 2024
Type: Publication

Estimates put the global market capitalization of the oil and gas sector at USD $6.5 trillion, which is equivalent to the combined gross domestic product of the United Kingdom and France in 2022. As the oil and gas industry transitions, this value might change and greater transparency on how this might occur is crucial to investors.  

Why? Increasingly with government support and incentives, investors marshal the needed energy investments into an orderly energy transition to a net-zero economy with an expectation for a reasonable rate of return.  

What drives us and our members in crafting this how-to guide?  

Our purpose with this how-to guide is to help companies navigate the new regulatory disclosure requirements, enhance transparency, improve corporate carbon performance and accountability, and accelerate the journey to a net-zero economy. 

Over the last few years, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has guided energy companies on how to implement the financial and non-financial reporting recommendations provided by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Yet, despite the remarkable progress companies made on climate-related reporting, there are growing demands from investors and regulators for more granular and transparent disclosures. And our member companies are listening and acting.  

In anticipation of mandatory disclosure requirements, we continue our multi-year work by collating input and sharing best practices from leading oil and gas companies via this how-to guide. The document bridges the gap between TCFD reporting principles and the financial information needs of investors by providing detailed how-to guidance to oil and gas companies looking to take the next step in carbon performance and accountability.  

Our how-to guide will be of particular value to finance, accounting, investor relations and corporate reporting professionals in publicly listed oil and gas companies, as well as leading professionals in standard-setting and regulatory organizations. 

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